Faculty of Polymer Technology
Fakulteta za tehnologijo polimerov (Faculty for Polymer Technology - FTPO) was founded in 2006 (as Visoka šola za tehnologijo polimerov/Polymer Technology College) on the basis of the needs of polymer industry in Slovenia, which is one of the most fast-growing industries in Europe and the world. The Faculty is the only one in Slovenia offering bachelor and master study programs in Polymer Technology. It is a private non-profit higher education institution. Its founders are: Municipality of Slovenj Gradec, GIZ Grozd Plasttehnika, RRA Koroška d.o.o., Adient Slovenj Gradec d.o.o., Grammer Automotive Slovenija d.o.o., TECOS, Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenije, Plastika Skaza d.o.o., KOPUR d.o.o. in BSH Hišni aparati d.o.o. Nazarje.
FTPO offers the following R&D services:
- Mechanical/thermal and chemical characterization
- Development and modification of materials/blends and composites
- Processing tests and preparation of blends/composites and recycled materials
- Providing help for companies experiencing problems during processing
- Tests of environmental impact and biodegradation
- Product development in all stages of developmental process
- Trainings/conferences/seminars/B2Bs
R&D work is conducted in 4 laboratories equipped with state of the art laboratory equipment:
- Laboratory for characterization of polymers with state of the art equipment for thermal and mechanical characterization of polymer and other materials: Differential scanning calorimeter (Mettler Toledo, DSC 2), Flash DSC (Mettler Toledo, Flash DSC), Dynamic mechanical analyzer (Perkin Elmer, DMA 8000), FTIR spectrometer (Perkin Elmer, Spectrum 65), Thermogravimetric analyzer (Perkin Elmer, TGA 4000), Transfer line THA and FTIR (Perkin Elmer, TG-IR-GCMS INTERFACE TL8000), Thermal conductivity instrument (Hot Disc, TPS 1500).
- Laboratory for polymers with equipment for synthesis and modification of polymer materials and for testing of mechanical properties, aging and biodegradation: UV chamber (Intelli-ray 600), Chamber for xenon testing (Atlas, SUNTEST XXL+), respirometer for biodegradability analysis (ECHO, RESEP 02), Composters (NATUREMILL), Software for LCA analysis (GaBi), Universal testing machine (Shimadzu, AG-X plus), Melt flow index instrument (LIYI, MFI LY-RR), Impact strength instrument (CHARPY LY-XJJDS).
- Laboratory for processing of polymers with: Twin-screw extruder (LABTECH - LTE 20-44), Granulator (SCHEER), Injection molding machine (KRAUSS MAFFEI, CX 50-180 blue power) and injection molding tool (ISO 527 form 1BA for tensile and DMA tests, test samples in accordance with ISO 178 for flexural test and test samples in accordance with ISO 179 for determining Charpy impact strength (notched and un-notched), injection molding tool – spiral, thickness of 2 mm, for determining flow path length based on simulations. Injection molding tool tempering device for temperatures up to 150 °C.
- Laboratory for modelling and simulation with 21 computers equipped licenses for 3D modelling and numeric simulations.
Research activities focus on development and processing of biopolymers and (bio)composites, functional and high-performance polymers and materials for 3D printing, up-cycling of recycled material and characterization, testing of materials and failure analysis.