The majority of companies located in the PolyRegion cross-border area, that deal with ploymers and the associated technologies, are small-to-medium-sized businesses. Small companies with fewer than 50 employees and less than €10,000,000 turnover represent the largest proportion of the industry.
The majority of companies come under the category of polymer processors, followed by toolmakers, engineering and consulting companies. The most frequently named segment categories are the automotive industry in first place followed by electrical/electronic engineering and then construction and plant manufacturing. Highly specialised companies work for the aerospace industry, for instance, or in the field of medical technology. Companies operating in the packaging industry are also represented. Yet others have specialised in recycling plastics.
Many of the companies located here are very flexible both in their operations and in the use of technology, which allows them to adapt quickly to market changes.
Even the diversity of the polymers used reflects the versatility of the areas of application covered by the companies and the complexity of customer requirements.
Ultimately, the competitive capacity of these businesses can only be sustained or expanded through innovation. The promotion of networks between research and commercial practice is an important element of any innovation strategy. And this is precisely where the activities of the PolyRegion Project promote and support regional businesses.